In the media

Published July 3, 2023

“Tar-like substance” seeping out of ground among environmental concerns at Alberta park

Published June 7, 2023

Opinion: Indigenous voices lacking in Edmonton's Hawrelak Park project

Published May 2, 2023

Conservationists call on city council to stop Hawrelak Park rehabilitation

Published Sept 11, 2023

Opinion: Edmonton must protect its river valley and drinking water

Published April 28, 2023

Opinion: Its Time to Protect Edmonton’s Private Trees

Published March 24, 23

Hawrelak Park tree removal controversy continues

Published February 25, 2023

River valley advocates protest Hawrelak Park rehabilitation

Published Jan 31 2023

Tree cutting in Hawrelak Park

Published Jan 10,2023

Tree cutting in Hawrelak Park

Published Nov 28, 2022

Bridging the gaps: Wildlife need connections in Edmonton's river valley

Just as the river divides the city, urban wildlife encounter disconnected or fragmented habitats from human developments, such as roads that cross the valley.

Published November 28, 2022

River Valley Trails and Climate Action

Kristine Kowalchuk, Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition chair, pressed council to get more serious about acting on climate change goals. She called out the city for flunking its first carbon budget, saying more emphasis should be placed on using rapid bus transit instead of LRT expansion. In her view, the city should create an office of the environment to help co-ordinate serious climate action and environmental monitoring.

Published Oct 11, 2022

ERVCC discusses more human approaches to homelessness in Edmonton’s River Valley. ERVCC feels the valley should function as a safe sanctuary.

Sept 12, 2022

ERVCC says Fireworks should be silent to protect Wildlife.

August 5, 2022

Eric Gormley for ERVCC advocates for a greener Rossdale

Published June 14, 2022

Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition pressed councillors to adopt a new bylaw to protect trees

"Trees do critical work in mitigating climate change, cleaning the air, cooling the city, helping to prevent both drought and flooding," Kowalchuk said. "They also contribute greatly to Edmontonians' physical and mental health and are essential to the beauty of our city." 

Published May 22, 2022 from The Narwhal

An excellent read regarding the Epcor Solar Farm published in the Narwhal.

Published April 21, 2022

A sad read regarding the Ecpocr Solar Farm decision

January 21, 2022.

“Opinion: Better protection of Edmonton's river valley sorely needed in 2022” Edmonton Journal.

“The city is now embarking upon a “river valley modernization” process. In order to ensure that this process halts the loss and degradation of our river valley and turns things around toward better protection, restoration, and improved stewardship, ERVCC has urged city council to undertake the following changes.”

Nov 19, 2021 (In 2021 we were preoccupied by The Solar Farm which has ended up consuming 99 acres of Wildlife Corridor in our River Valley).

Google Epcor solar farm and Edmonton Conservation coalition for a large number of articles that still make us weep. This somewhat fairly covers the Judicial Review Legal Case.

October 6, 2020. “Opinion: Edmontonians want river valley protected.” Edmonton Journal.

Kristine Kowalchuk penned this excellent op-ed for The Edmonton Journal detailing public opposition to Epcor’s solar farm project. Here’s a blurb:

“They can go on rooftops or in brownfields, thereby intensifying our land use and maximizing carbon sequestration — all while leaving habitat alone. Considering we are not only experiencing a climate crisis, but a biodiversity crisis as well, this matters. As we develop sustainable energy, it is critical that we protect all the habitat that remains, and indeed restore more.”

October 5, 2020. “Epcor seeks zoning change to build solar farm in river valley.” CBC News.

This article, published just a couple of weeks before city council voted to industrialize river valley land, gives a good overview of Epcor’s solar farm project and the opposition to it.

Sept 12, 2020. Concerns about Toxic Pesticide Use

August 3, 2020. “A day in the park: How our urban public spaces challenge and connect us.” The National Post.

In this article, six people from across the country—including ERVCC member Raquel Feroe—write about their favourite parks and urban green spaces. Here’s a short excerpt from her section of the article:

“Now that I’m older, my days often start the same way — a walk in Edmonton’s Dawson Park with both my two-footed and four-footed housemates. People ask if I get bored going to the same park every day. To which I answer: Does life get richer with time? Can relationships grow?”